ShutterStories Blog

Day Four: Kickstarter Success and Update

We are really excited to announce that we are successfully funded and we are 125% funded on the Kickstarter. With the extra money that we have received we look to improve on the camera choice for the after school program that we are operating.Today, we are walking around the Sage Hill campus putting up our promotional fliers to expand our mission to the community. We are putting them on places such as the Doodle Wall inside the Humanities building, in the front office, and on different doors around the campus.

The next step of this awesome project is to purchase the 10 cameras for the kids. We have chosen the Canon S110 from B and H photo. These cameras will allow our students to engage in the digital photography process and get some quick results along with the easy use of a point and shoot. We are really excited to get started on this project and we have been back and forth with the principal about starting soon. We are super thankful and lucky to have had such success on our Kickstarter and we are so stoked that the community has shared our vision towards accomplishing this mission.